
decision making

Gut feeling

One of the things that we sometimes see in clients in mediation is an ability to make decisions or to put forward ideas as to potential solutions. We recognise that when couples separate either party can feel paralysed by indecision. This is often caused by feeling that there is simply so many ‘new’ things to process that it’s hard to know what to prioritise. Feeling overwhelmed can often mean that people lose touch with that gut instinct that can help…

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Two sides of the same thing

When couples embark upon mediation they are ultimately looking for a resolution.  They want to be able to find a set of arrangements that will enable each of them to move on.  It sounds like a fairly simple objective when you put it like that.  However, even deciding on the first thing to talk about, and what the priorities are can feel like a mountain to climb.   It is not unusual for couples trying to reach a resolution between…

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Are you ruled by your head or your heart?

Make mediation work for you How often have you heard the phrase “my head says this but my heart says that”.  Or people talking about whether they make decisions with their head or their heart.  They usually mean that they are either an emotion or instinct led decision maker, or more about the facts and the analysis.  Sometimes people are a bit of both, or sometimes they make decisions differently depending on what the decision is about e.g making decisions…

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